I know that there are concerns from local residents in and around the North of Westway about the proposed redevelopment of the Sea Cadet site on The Grove so I wanted to provide some clarity.
The proposal is for Tandridge District Council develop the site into 16 affordable council homes which will be available to those on the housing register in Tandridge.
After listening to the concerns raised by residents in the vicinity, I raised these at the Housing Committee meeting of the Council on Thursday 16 March.
In response to fears around a potential worsening of parking on neighbouring roads such as Hawarden Road, Thomas Avenue and Windmill Close during the construction process, and the possibility of increased traffic in The Village, officers reassured us that Anzio Gardens will not be used as a primary access point to the new homes. Access will be from either The Grove or Hawarden Road. I will continue to make the case for access to be primarily from The Grove.
I also reiterated that the development should be respectful to the unique character of The Village and the officers reassured me that the architects will aim to come up with a design that is reflective of the area's character.
The next steps are for residents in the immediate area to be consulted on the proposal before a planning application is submitted to the Planning Committee of Tandridge District Council. No work is expected to take place on the site in the immediate near future.
I will keep you all updated on this but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.